Having a cold morning and needing to go workout can only mean one thing, spandex tights! The big question was femme or bulge? I opted for a pair of bulge style tights, the Pinnacle Ballistic Sport Tights along with a black Nike top. I have been lifting harder than ever lately and I hope to get ripped enough to wear a spandex compression top with my tights soon. There is nothing like wearing tights that look like they were painted on and a compression top that looks like a second skin. The matt grey spandex is not only one of the sexiest fabrics on the planet but it is so comfortable to wear. I can’t see a reason why any man would wear a thong or G-string with their tights (I do understand why the ladies often do) but I guess if your cock was big enough you might want to control how much of it is showing. My cock is small enough to butt up against the spandex pouch perfectly showing off the shape of the head but not the size of the shaft. I mixed up my workout today doing all the major muscle groups with light weights. There were literally hundreds of people working out with me, lucky for me it was not a shy day.
Men’s Swimwear, Sport Shorts, Tights and so much more!
The beach was hot and busy today. After a massive workout I needed a little time to myself and did one of my favorite things: totally veg out at the beach, of course wearing next to nothing. I can’t remember seeing more people walking at the beach than I had today. It was one after another and I was not doubt I was an interesting sight just feet away from all that traffic. I’m not sure about you guys but when I get tired and extremely relaxed my penis at times can become extremely small, that is small even for me! We are talking fraction of an inch small. My cock was In that state today when an idea for a new design came to me based on the micro swimsuit I was wearing. I was thinking of a micro pouch that highlights the shaft with an indentation but not a separate pouch for it. I think this change will showoff off the size of any shaft but especially detail the shaft when it is in its smallest state something I find quite beautiful. I played with the idea at home and I think there is something to it. I would want the finished product to be available in a thong, G-string and bikini one that you could use anywhere. The way it highlights the shaft would be much more subtle than having it in its own separate pouch. Once the shaft is separated from the balls in two pouches the look is awesome but much more extreme almost like a completely exposed penis and many men will not wear that to the beach. The change I envision in this new design will be such that anyone that would wear a bikini would wear this suit.
Men’s Swimwear
OMG I love summer! I took the afternoon off the other day and went down to my favorite beach wearing my lovely little black G-string. I hope the June Gloom is officially gone though I realize it will still be there some mornings. Obviously I love the way a cock looks in a tiny little pouch and mine is no exception but I was happy my cock was so well behaved since there were so many people around me. Lots of single girls (by themselves) a very old guy in a bikini which I think is wonderful and I wish every man could be that confident. There were a couple other guys in thongs right in my general area and not very many guys older than teens wearing long shorts. I hope that is a sign of things to come this summer. In the USA this is a huge beach weekend with our 4th of July celebrations. I will keep my eyes peeled for the latest beach trends and I hope you do the same. Please post your 4th of July folly.
Men’s Swimwear
I did an extremely intense beach walk in deep sand the other day wearing a pair of our new sport pouch tights. The tights I was wearing were a pair of matt black spandex (coming soon) and a spandex compression top. It was a very athletic look with a wonderful tight exposed bulge. Needless to say I would never wear undies with my tights I want at least some penis shape to show through. My workout lasted over two hours and I went for miles in the deep sand. There were a lot of people at the beach for this time of year. I worked my way to the Santa Monica pier where I stopped to get a bottle of water. It was cool out and lots of women were wearing tights but I was the only guy in them. They are extremely sexy but still athletic looking enough to use in with the hundreds of people there and there were no funny looks just some nice smiles.
I have included some photos that might have got me arrested at the beach but was just fine in the office. Sometimes a man needs to get in touch with his feminine side. It is hard to get more feminine then this. Suit is a Gender Bender.

Men’s Swimwear and male to female transformation designs.
I had a meeting in Los Angeles for lunch Friday and after I got to relax for a few hours at the beach. I used the Sweet Boy Thong again and I must say that the orange color sure attracts its fair share of attention and on top of that is almost completely sheer when it is wet. Lucky for me my cock is not large enough to scare anyone and is just big enough to warrant a quick glance:-)
I was very brave on Friday wearing just the thong while walking from the car to the beach. I was walking with a little swish in the hips to really show off my ass as I passed the few girls that were lying out. This is something I see the girls wearing thongs do all the time and I love the way it looks. I did notice a couple unusual things as I got to my spot. It was not very busy for a Friday afternoon considering how beautiful it was outside and there were just three guys other than myself lying out by the water in my vicinity. All three men were wearing thongs or G-strings. One of the guys was amazing. Exercising by the water, boogie boarding and running up and down the entire beach all while wearing a tiny little G-string, too bad it was not a Koala. I have to give Kudos to him. I went in the water and my towel was right by the shore so all the runners and people walking the beach could see me. Not quite the level of exhibitionism the other guy was showing but still there showing up to be seen. When my time was up I packed up and headed back to my car wearing nothing but my little thong. I felt great about it but still a little nervous. I hope one day to be able to be as relaxed as all the girls that walk all over the beach to their cars and even to the stores wearing nothing more than me and being so ridiculously at ease with themselves.
Men’s Swimwear
I spent a few hours Saturday and most of the day Sunday with friends at the beach. There were not that many men this weekend at least in my general area. I saw a couple guys in bikinis and one in a G-string. On the female side there were more thong’s than I have seen in a while in fact they even out-numbered Brazilian style bikinis. The trend this summer seems to be much more exposed cheer than just last year. I had on a bright yellow Sunburst micro bikini, the girls had on string bikinis but I could not talk my male friend out of taking his shorts off for something much smaller. We wear the same size and I had extra suits but he was just too shy to wear one. I wish I could figure out that mindset. With all the girls running around on the beach wearing so little why can’t we men get it together? I would like to hear how you got over wearing your micro swimsuit in public or if you are still too shy?
Men’s swimwear
Saturday and Sunday were fantastic beach days. Saturday I was joined by a couple friends and we all ended up sleeping the day away on the beach. I guess we all needed a recharge and I can’t think of a more perfect place than the ocean to get it. Sunday was also too good to pass up. I met a friend down there and we both were wearing very small suits. He had on a Koala G-string and I had on my micro bikini. This is the Streamline suit that I tan in wearing it as a thong but I can also use it as the most minimal Brazilian cut bikini if I decide to go in the water. There were more girls in tiny suits than men but there were a handful of guys in micros. I had a pair of Deep Penetrating shorts with me and I slipped those on to go in the water and do some bodysurfing. I really like the amount of cheek displayed in these very tiny short shorts. Later in the day a group of beautiful dark women walked by us on way to picking a spot which turned out to be thirty feet away right in front of us. Three of them were wearing beautiful Brazilian bikinis with most of their very lovely asses showing. After all these years of seeing beautiful women it is still a thrill to see the ones so confident in their bodies that they walk from the car to the water at least a couple blocks just wearing their suits. No cover ups on and yes I wish I could bring myself to do that all the time instead of once in a while. The girls were in their late 20s early 30s and when I noticed one just standing by the water looking out at the sea and being a total vision of beauty I had to at least say hi. I told my friend I was going into the water and as I started walking away he asked if I as putting on my shorts. No if they can do it I can. I walked right by her into the water. By then she was ankle deep and as I looked over she was smiling. My suit was smaller than hers but not by much and if they were the same color we might have been twins with both our full round butts almost completely exposed. I was as dark as she was. I said hello and realized instantly by the accent she and most likely her lovely friends were all Brazilian. We talked a little and she was as sweet as she was lovely. She had asked me if I was from Brazil. Beautiful girls for a beautiful Sunday afternoon.
Men’s swimwear
Ramblings from Michael David